Instagramフォロワーは40万人。業界のセオリーやジャンルを問わない彼のスタイルは多くの海外メディアにも取り上げられている。2月28日から5月21日までは初登場となるDIESEL ART GALLERYにて、9回目の写真展が開催される。
He has 400,000 Instagram followers. His style, regardless of industry theory or genre, has been featured in many foreign media.
From February 28 to May 21, the ninth photo exhibition will be held the first time at DIESEL ART GALLERY.
Has customers worldwide as a website selling vintage film cameras.
Camera enthusiasts around the world have been well acclaimed for his ability to find any camera, and celebrities such as aristocrats, athletes and musicians are among its customers.
glambはカメラを持つすべての人々に向けたライン “Chance is Once”をスタートします。
With the worldwide spread of the Internet, photography and video have become a new language beyond culture. Before the Internet became regular, only some professionals could transmit photos to society. Now that the barriers of the 20th century pro-am have been removed, glamb is launching a line “Chance is Once” for all people with a camera.
Collaboration by glamb
and photographer.
Collaboration by glamb
and photographer.
Collaboration by glamb
and photographer.
Collaboration by glamb
and photographer.
Collaboration by glamb
and photographer.
Collaboration by glamb
and photographer.
Collaboration by glamb
and photographer.
glambのライダースジャケットにカメラマン・RKが求める機能性を閉じこめたRK cameraman riders〈アールケーカメラマンライダース〉。シルエットはタイトに設定しながら、肩回りにアクションプリーツ、脇下にリブを配しハードな撮影現場でもスムーズな可動を実現。バックスタイルにあしらわれた大振りのユーティリティポケットは左右いずれからもカメラの充電器や撮影資料などを収納出来ます。右身頃のエポレットに通されたショルダーモールは先端にRKの作品をプリントしたレンズクリーナーを付属。左腕にリベットでRKロゴパーツを打ち込みデザインは完成しました。マテリアルに採用したのはブランドが選び抜いた最高等級のラムレザー。指示寸法の1.5倍のサイズでボディを縫い上げた後、水洗い、乾燥、アイロンによるプレス、そして手作業でワックス仕上げと工程を丹念に積み上げる事で肉厚で奥行ある表情を生み出しました。
The silhouette is set tightly, even though with action pleats around the shoulders and ribs under the sides to achieve smooth movement. A large utility pocket on the back, photography materials from either side. The shoulder mall passed through the epaulet of the right body comes with a lens cleaner with RK's work printed. The RK logo parts were driven into the left arm with rivets. The material used is the highest grade lamb leather selected by the brand.
フィッシャーマンベストをオーバーオールにモディファイしたRK cameraman overall〈アールケーカメラマンオーバーオール〉。大振りのサイドポケットやバックスタイルの2wayユーティリティポケットがあしらわれたベスト仕様のトップスで一際目を引くのはロープ状のパーツ。懐中時計のように見えますが先端にはRKの作品をプリントしたレンズクリーナーが付いており、手軽にレンズを手入れして頂けます。さらに右胸にはショットシェルホルダーを模した電池ホルダーを用意。単3電池4本1セットを2回分収納する計8個のポケットにより、電力を大量に消耗するストロボも気兼ねなくお使い頂ける事でしょう。大振りのサイドポケットを備えたボトムス部分は裾幅をベルクロで調整可能。ぴったりと閉じればハードな足場で枝などが裾に引っかかる事を防いでくれます。
"The most eye-catching part on this vest specs tops is the rope-shaped parts.
It looks like a pocket watch but has a lens cleaner printed with RK's work, so you can easily take care the lens. In addition, a battery holder resembling a shot shell holder is provided on the right chest. The hem width of the bottoms with large side pockets can be adjusted with Velcro."
モッズコートをカメラマンウェアにアップデートしたRK cameraman mods coat〈アールケーカメラマンモッズコート〉。悪天候の撮影時に身体を守る撥水加工を施したテキスタイルは、メッシュの裏地により動きやすさも実現。袖にはサムホール付きのスパンデックスパーツを配しており、手袋無しでも手元の寒さを軽減してくれます。コラボレーションならではのさらなるギミックは、前立ての左右それぞれにあしらわれた隠しポケット。その大振りのポケットの中には小物を収納するポケットを2つずつ、左側にはRKの作品をプリントしたレンズクリーナーも加え撮影時の使い勝手を大幅に向上させています。比翼仕立てのジップとフラップポケットは前合わせを中心からずらす事で印象をクラスアップ。ジップで収納出来るフードを備えたハイネックの首回りはモードな佇まいを形作ります。
Coat made out of water-repellent textile with a mesh lining for smooth movement. We arrange spandex parts with thumbholes on the sleeves which reduces the coldness. Further gimmicks are hidden pockets on each side of the placket. Inside a large pocket has two pockets for storing small items, and a lens cleaner printed with RK's work is added on the left side. Around the high neck with a hood that can be stored in a zip forms a mode atitude.
カメラマン・RKとのコラボレーションでリリースするプルオーバーニット、RK cameraman waffle knit〈アールケーカメラマンワッフルニット〉。ワッフル調のガーメントはコットン混素材で編み上げており、洗濯のしやすさもカメラマンに嬉しい一枚。11分袖のサムホール仕様は手袋をはめるような着用が可能となっており、手元の可動を損なう事無く寒さを軽減してくれます。ドロップショルダーのルーズなシルエットはコーディネートのしやすさも魅力。RK cameraman overall〈アールケーカメラマンオーバーオール〉と合わせれば胸元のRKロゴがトップスから覗くようになっております。
The waffle-like garment is knitted with a cotton-blend material, making it easy to take care. The oversize long sleeves with thumbhole design allows you to feel like wearing gloves and reduces the cold without compromising the movement.
「東京」の名にフィーチャーしたスーベニアジャケット、JCH cameraman ska JKT〈ジェイシーエイチカメラマンスカジャケット〉。クレセントポケットやラインリブ、パイピングなどスカジャンとしての佇まいは踏襲しながら、JCHとのコラボレーションで作り上げた一着はカメラマンの使い勝手も追求。胸元に刺繍されたインパクトある「東京」のうち、「京」の内側にバーチカルポケットをあしらっており、コンパクトカメラの収納に便利な仕様となっております。さらにバックスタイルにはユーティリティポケットも配しており、レギュラーサイズのブルゾンの中に高い収納性を確保しました。裏地に目をやると、カメラを手にした浮世絵の存在が。JCHのロゴやglambブランドキャラクターBrain bee〈ブレインビー〉も描かれており、遊び心溢れる一枚となりました。
Impactful "Tokyo" embroidered on the chest, the kanji "Kyo" has a vertical pocket inside, making it convenient for storing compact cameras. In addition, utility pockets are placed in the back, ensuring high storage in a regular size blouson. When looking at the lining, there is a Ukiyo-e painting hold a camera.
“Japan Camera Hunter”とのコラボレーションでお届けするJCH cameraman hoodie〈ジェイシーエイチカメラマンフーディー〉。胸元にダブルネームを配した本作はフィルムカメラの使用にフィーチャーした一着。ドローコードは右にフィルムの種類、左に6種類のISO感度をプリントしており、フィルムをカメラにセットする際に留め具を該当する場所に合わせればフィルムの種類を失念する事を防いでくれます。フロントのカンガルーポケットには替えのフィルムを収納するフラップ付きポケットも用意。さらには袖口に35mmフィルムを意味する「135」をプリントし、フィルムカメラへのリスペクトをデザインへ表現しました。
The draw code prints the type of film on the right and the six ISO speeds on the left, and when setting the film in the camera, adjust the fastener to the appropriate place to prevent forgetting the settings. The front kangaroo pocket has a flap pocket for storing a replacement film. Furthermore, "135" meaning 35mm film was printed on the cuffs.
最高峰のフィルムカメラ、ライカ。そのクラシカルなカメラとコーディネートしてもらうためのコートが、JCHとのコラボレーションによるJCH cameraman chester coat〈ジェイシーエイチカメラマンチェスターコート〉。ノッチドラペルを備えたボディは袖口にレッドのパイピングを施しクラス感ある佇まい。荷物の収納に活躍する大振りなサイドポケットも目を引きます。ご注目頂きたいのは左の前立て裏側に配された隠しポケット。スナップボタン仕様となっており、コンパクトカメラを手軽に出し入れして頂けます。カラーバリエーションはオーセンティックなBlackと、要所をボディと同色のコーデュロイで切り替えたBlack×Blackの2色展開。いずれも肩回りにアクションプリーツが施されており、アクティブな撮影においてもスムーズな可動を叶えてくれます。
Body with the notch lapel has red piping on the cuffs for class. Large side pockets that are useful for storage are also eye-catching. Pay attention to the hidden pocket on the back of the left placket. With a snap button, it makes it easy to put the compact camera in and out. Both colors have action pleats around the shoulders to achieve smooth movement.
glambのカメラマンジャケット、Bolsey mountain parka〈ボルシーマウンテンパーカ〉をベースにカメラコレクター・JCHコラボレーション仕様でリリースされるJCH cameraman mountain parka〈ジェイシーエイチカメラマンマウンテンパーカ〉。3レイヤー仕様の防水生地で仕立てた本作は止水ジップを採用。 “glamb“、“JCH”が刺繍された袖口は幅を調整出来るベルクロを付属し、悪天候においても雨や風の浸入を防いでくれます。左右身頃を跨ぐ特徴的なフロントのポケットは、カメラを首に掛けたまま収納出来るもの。使わない時は横に折り畳んでボタンで留められ前合わせの開閉を妨げない様になっています。両サイドに配したポケットは、そのマチをファスナーでコンパクトにまとめられる仕様で、交換用レンズの収納も可能に。左のアームにはミリタリー仕様のポケットを配し、替えのフィルムや電池などの収納にも配慮しました。フードは使わない時は折り畳んでおけるジップ仕様で、パイピング状のリフレクターがあしらわれています。
Jacket made of waterproof fabric with water cutoff zipper. Embroidered cuffs comes with adjustable velcro, which prevents rain and wind from entering. The front pocket can store a camera hanging from a neck. When not in use, it can be folded so that it does not get in the way of the zipper. The pockets on both sides are designed so that the gusset can be compacted with zippers. Placing a pocket on the left arm for shooting supplies. Also a hood that can be folded with a zipper when it is not used.
本コラボレーションのテーマをソックスに描き出したCHANCE IS ONCE socks〈チャンスイズワンスソックス〉。フロントには脛にカメラマン・RKのロゴを、つま先にglambロゴを描写。そしてふくらはぎに“CHANCE IS ONCE”のワードをあしらいデザインを決定付けました。
CHANCE IS ONCE socks is a socks with the theme of this collaboration. Photographer RK logo on front shin and glamb logo on the toe. The design was determined with the word “CHANCE IS ONCE”on the calf side.
胸元にコラボレーションテーマを掲げるChance is once T〈チャンスイズワンスT〉。シンプルなレギュラーシルエットのボディにプリントされたのは、ボディと鮮やかなコントラストを描く、“CHANCEISONE”のワード。力強くメッセージ性溢れる一枚はテキスタイルに40/2天竺を採用し、しなやかな肌触りも魅力となっております。
Chance is once T has a powerful collaboration theme on the chest.
The simple regular silhouette body with a “CHANCEISONE” print, which makes a vivid contrast with the body.
One t-shirt full of powerful message using a 40/2 plain stitches textile, makes the attractive supple feel.
RK, a photographer starting a career by posting photos taken with iPhone to Instagram and now has over 400,000 followers.
He stood at the forefront of the scene with his own sense without being tied to the theory of the industry.
"There's more to a photographer's clothes than function."
Releasing 5 types of items including extraordinary photographer riders.
会 期 / 2020年2月28日(金)- 5月21日(木)
住 所 / 東京都渋谷区渋谷1-23-16 cocoti B1F
W E B /
開館時間/ 11:30 - 21:00
Date / 2020.2.28(Fri) - 5.21(Thu)
Address / 1-23-16 cocoti B1F Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Web /
Time / 11:30 - 21:00
I was always in the rock and punk field and went to London night all the time. So, from the old days it was natural to say punks = riders, mods = mods coats, I was like, "Awesome (dope, cool)". That's why even though I became a photographer, I thought it would be cool if there was a guy who shoots with riders or what punks wear. However, as for the riders, the shooting will be functionally hard. So, I thought that if I could give the riders a functional beauty, I would be able to achieve the style I had thought of, that is why I was involved in this direction. The first thing I requested was to direct in terms of functionality, what goes inside of the pocket, which fabric to use, etc., leaving all the design to glamb.
During this time, I saw a portrait of a person in front of a neon board with the American flag, and the person was wearing a hoodie with a European sports brand logo. For those who know fashion, I think it's taboo, or like "WHAT!?" They can’t do the obvious (they overlook the obvious). There are so many photos like that. I think it's good to take whatever you like, but if your putting it out to the world, you also have to study fashion as a culture. Even if the color of the background is good or the model is good, if you see the shortcomings, you will be disappointed with something cool. Well, maybe just me LOL. I wouldn’t call this my inscription, but the baseball club coach in high school always said do the obvious naturally, but I think it is true. In fact, it is very difficult. But accomplishing that is just the start line.
Previously, I posted a photo of Mt. Fuji through a shopping street on Instagram, it became viral and I had 200,000 followers. However, as the reactions spread, People questioned that maybe I was standing in the middle of the road and shooting. Because the composition was centered on the road. Practically, the street in the shopping streets were curved, and we were taking pictures at the corner, so the picture was not taken in the middle of the road. After that many people came out to the road without knowing how it was taken, and restrictions were imposed on the road. In the end, the disturbance was reported in newspapers, and I was asked to warn about shooting.
Regarding the disturbance that occurred in Fujiyoshida, I think it is basically the responsibility of the person who shoots the photo. Some say that RK who took the first photo should be careful. Japanese are good at bashing, but they do nothing to change things. I think Japan is in danger. They will be left behind from the world. Or rather, Japan is already left behind.
I have always focused on the number of followers. It may not be always about numbers, but for SNS and overseas partners who have no other indicators of judgement, the numbers are indispensable. There was a leak where the number of likes will disappear, and I thought it would. I always cherished my followers thinking that the next indicator will be followers. If you don't raise that, there will be no attention from both Japan and overseas. (I didn’t buy them LOL) Except for numbers of followers, I think the content need to be fulfilling.
自分で考えて、これだと思うスタイルが決まったら、それを継続する。どんなスタイルがいいかとかは知らないし教えることはできないけど。一度決めたことはとことんやる。それをころころ変えているようでは無理だと思う。僕もInstagramでSuggeseted Userに選ばれた時はフォロワーが1万人以上に伸びたけど、それまで3年4年くらい同じことを根気強く続けたからね。
If you decide which style you think is right, continue it. I don't know what style is good and I can't teach it. Do everything once decided. I don't think it's impossible if you keep changing it and don’t make up your mind. When I was selected as a Suggested User on Instagram, my followers grew to more than 10,000, but I had been patiently doing the same thing for three or four years.
Japan Camera HunterがChance is Onceに参加。
There is no camera that he could not find.
Japan Camera Hunter prospered by Bellamy Hunt, a vintage camera hunter participates in Chance is Once.
These Photographer uniform reflecting his action philosophy "Many people as possible across generations owning a film camera" is released.
Photographers take pictures for a living, but I wanted to keep photography personal. That is why being a Photographer was not a big deal for me. 2004 I came to Japan, later on I started to work at a camera store in Ginza. I had experienced variety of duties surrounding cameras, also I was involved in work with Film Camera enthusiasts looking for vintage cameras. My business life was fulfilled, but it was hard working full-time by day and Japanese school by night, and part-time job for living expenses on weekends. I was tired of such days, one day I had informed my resignation to the president. “Its fine. The most important thing is health“ so he said. He helped me to find clients to get started in this business. That is how I became “Camera Hunter” seeking for Film cameras.
It has been said that it is a Film camera renaissance from 4years ago, and Kodak is also increasing sales. A lot of overseas celebrities take Film cameras, even in Japan, Rola and Kiko Mizuhara professed that they use Film cameras. I think we are going through an era that people not trusting digital things. Pictures taken by Smartphones are immediately uploaded online, but Film photos do not exist on internet and it stays personal which makes is special.
I have done more than 5000 proposals. Even if I was asked to get hundreds of same camera or lenses, in 2weeks I will find it. But recently I do not hunt every proposals when I am asked. Some vintage cameras are structurally easy to break down or difficult to maintain. I want my costumers to use their cameras happy, so I handle cameras that I think are good from my experience.
I need to keep my customers confidential so I can not say names, but There are photographers and film directors, as well as celebrities such as nobles, athletes and musicians. Check my followers on Instagram if curious. The other day current series director from STAR WARS J・J・Abrams was wearing my logo t-shirt, available on my website.I need to keep my customers confidential so I can not say names, but There are photographers and film directors, as well as celebrities such as nobles, athletes and musicians. Check my followers on Instagram if curious. The other day current series director from STAR WARS J・J・Abrams was wearing my logo t-shirt, available on my website.I need to keep my customers confidential so I can not say names, but There are photographers and film directors, as well as celebrities such as nobles, athletes and musicians. Check my followers on Instagram if curious. The other day current series director from STAR WARS J・J・Abrams was wearing my logo t-shirt, available on my website.
I imagined various photographers, I told TK the image of clothes suitable for him or her. TK elevated my image to clothing designs. For example, the mountain jacket and hoodie contain a wish that young generations to have Film camera. I think that it is a functional and stylish design that is perfect for them because many of my followers are in their 20s to 40s. Chester coat has an elegant mood suitable for Leica users, and I really like it where you cannot tell it is a photographer wear with a glimpse.
If you have a budget of $200, you have a film and a body. If you want to learn photography, use a manual camera like Nikon EM, Canon AE-1, Minolta FT. If more casual and easy, I would recommend a compact cameras like Olympus XA, Pentax ESP10, Canon net QL17. You can find these cameras in any used camera shop, but if you buy one film camera you will want more. Wear clothes from this collaboration and take pictures, get all kind of camera, and someday if you visit my website it will be a honor. The cameras that I handle are little expensive than $200.
2003年、“Grunge for Luxury”をコンセプトにデザイナー古谷完によって設立される。以後、グランジロックスタイルを基調としながら、ストリート、モード、ワークなど、様々なスタイルを融合したデザインワークで国内シーンを牽引。ミュージシャンやタレントにも多くの愛好家を持つ。