The order starts on March 14th at 6PM CTZ, and ends on March 31st at 1PM CTZ.
【Delivery at early June】 / 【6月上旬頃発送予定】
For overseas delivery, please order from the World Shopping Biz button that will pop up bottom of screen.
■Item info
"It was FeFe who won the rights to create an original glamb SKA Jacket in the charity auction held by YouTuber CDawgVA. As we talked, we hit it off, and that’s how this collaboration came to life." TK, glamb Head Designer
Punk-style VTuber FeFe teams up with glamb to bring her essence to the brand’s signature street blouson, the Pin-up FeFe Ska Jumper. Embroidered on the back is a seductive pin-up girl depiction of FeFe, with glamb’s iconic tiger motif reimagined in a girlish style to match. Her body is adorned with old-school tattoo roses, along with her nickname "MINI MILK", seamlessly blending FeFe’s aesthetic with glamb’s signature streetwear. The front chest features an embroidered tiger, further infusing the piece with punk and tattoo culture energy.The color scheme of the jacket was a collaborative effort between TK and FeFe, ensuring a unique balance of boldness and personality. The striped ribbing follows glamb’s original pitch and color scheme, reflecting meticulous attention to detail in every aspect of its design.
【Products will be delivered in a packing bag.】
Weight when packed
Pin-up FeFe Ska Jumper(BAG):0.8 kg
Three sides of the bag (width x height x depth)
12.5in x 14in x 7in
FeFe Tatoo Cutsew (BAG): 0.5kg
Three sides of the bag (width x height x depth)
12.5in x 9in x 1.5in
You can estimate overseas shipping costs by entering the information on the website below.
「YouTuberのCDawgVAが開いたチャリティオークションで出していた、glambのオリジナルスカジャンを作る権利を落札したのがFeFeだったんだ。そこから話しているうちに意気投合して、今回のコラボが生まれたのさ」(TK / glambヘッドデザイナー)
パンクスタイルVtuber・FeFeとglambがコラボレーション、glambを代表するストリートブルゾンにFeFeを刻み込んだPin-up FeFe Ska Jumper。バックスタイルに刺繍したのは扇情的なピンナップガールに描かれたFeFeの姿。その絵柄に合わせてglamb定番のタイガーモチーフもガーリッシュにアレンジしています。さらにはFeFeの身体を彩るオールドスクールタトゥーの薔薇や彼女の愛称である“MINI MILK”も刺繍してglambとFeFeの世界観を融合。フロント胸元にもタイガーを刺繍して身頃全体にパンク×タトゥーカルチャーのムードをまとわせました。ボディの配色もTKとFeFeがアイディアを出し合って生み出したもの。ラインリブはglambオリジナルピッチと色使いとなっており、細部に至るまでこだわりを込めて作り上げた一着です。